Should You Choose Manned Guarding or Remote Video Guarding?

Security is a main priority for many individuals and businesses alike. When it comes to safeguarding your property, assets and personnel, there are various options to choose from. Two popular options are manned guarding and remote video guarding. Both approaches offer unique benefits, and the decision between them often depends on the specific needs and circumstances of your business. In this article, we will discuss the advantages and the potential drawbacks of both to help you decide the best option for your business. 

Manned Guarding

Manned guarding involves the use of trained security officers to physically protect and monitor a property and its individuals. This approach has the following advantages and disadvantages:


Physical Presence – manned guarding provides a visible and physical presence on your premises. Security officers can deter potential threats just by their presence alone, making it an effective deterrent.

Immediate Response – In the event of a security breach or incident, a security officer can respond swiftly, providing real-time intervention. They can assess the situation directly, contact the police force or emergency services and take necessary actions.

Human Judgement – Security guards can use their sense of judgement and experience to handle unique or unexpected situations, making them adaptable to changing security requirements.

Interaction – Security officers can also engage with visitors, employees and customers, enhancing the overall customer experience as well as maintaining a friendly atmosphere and a secure environment.


Cost – The cost of manned guarding can be expensive. Payments must cover wages/salaries, benefits, travel costs and other expenses, which can sometimes be a financial burden for businesses.

Limited Coverage – Security officers are limited by their physical presence and they can’t monitor multiple or remote areas simultaneously. Generally, the larger the area, the more security coverage needed.

Remote Video Guarding 

Remote video guarding is a security technique that utilises surveillance cameras and technology to monitor properties and assets from a remote location. Video surveillance operators use video feeds to observe and respond to security threats. This approach has the following advantages and disadvantages:


Cost-Effective – Remote video guarding can be more cost-effective than manned guarding. You don’t have to pay additional costs such as salaries/wages and other labour-related costs. Additionally, the maintenance costs for video surveillance equipment is generally lower than ongoing personnel costs.

Wide Coverage – Surveillance camera systems are specially designed to cover more large areas and even in areas where security officers might not be able to monitor. For example, restricted access areas and extreme heights of a building.

Continuous Surveillance – Remote video guarding can provide surveillance and monitoring for 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, ensuring that no security breach goes undetected, day or night.

Immediate Alerts – Advanced video surveillance systems are also designed to trigger immediate alerts to security personnel when usual activity is detected, allowing for rapid response. 

Video Recordings – Video surveillance systems have the ability of recording video footage. This footage can serve as valuable evidence in the event of an incident, aiding the investigation and legal proceedings.


No Physical Presence – The biggest downside to remote video guarding is the lack of physical presence and the visible deterrent effect of security offers. Potential intruders may be less deterred by cameras alone and may find ways to enter the premises undetected.

No Interaction – Video surveillance systems can’t interact with visitors, customers or employees on the premises. In addition, the use of video surveillance may raise privacy concerns amongst customers or employees.

Technical Issues – As with all technology, it can malfunction. Video surveillance systems can encounter technical problems or connection issues, which may affect security coverage during down time.

Final Verdict 

So, the only question left is – which one is right for you? As we mentioned at the beginning, it depends on the specific needs and circumstances of your business. If your budget is a primary concern, remote video guarding is generally more cost-effective than manned guarding. The size of your premise is another factor to take into consideration, if you have a very large premises, remote video guarding may be more practical. On the other hand, businesses holding high-value assets or sensitive information tend to require the presence of manned guarding. 

Speak To Our Security Experts Today

In saying that, a combination of manned guarding and remote video guarding can work hand-in-hand and provide the optimum security coverage. Security officers can focus on critical areas, whereas video surveillance covers the building perimeter and surrounding areas. Whichever option you choose, or a combination of both, it’s crucial to work with an experienced security company like Alpha Omega Securities who provide personalised manned guarding and CCTV monitoring services for various businesses situated in Crewe or a surrounding area, providing the peace of mind you deserve. Speak to our security experts today, call us on 0127 025 8881 or send us an online enquiry and we will reach out to you promptly.