Updated as of 1/1/2023

Quality Policy

Ken Lawton, our Managing Director has made a commitment to the quality of the services provided by Alpha Omega Securities.

Quality Policy

We have implemented a quality policy that is appropriate to the nature, scale and
impacts of our activities and services. It has been written with due regard to the internal
and external issues that may affect our business achieving our strategic goals and to
the interested parties whose needs we understood and meet.
We understand the risks and opportunities associated with our management system
and have established control measures to restrict negative outcomes and encourage
positive results.

We are committed to a process of planned continual improvement in such a way as to
meet customer needs to ensure compliance with regulatory and other requirements.
We will meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 as well as the applicable supporting
codes of practice.

This policy provides the framework for setting and regularly reviewing our objectives
and targets in respect of minimising customer complaints and non-conformance,
improving customer satisfaction and staff perception, protecting the general public and
others as deemed appropriate.

This quality policy document and the associated processes are implemented,
maintained, and communicated to everyone in the company as well as customers,
stakeholders, interested parties and regulatory bodies as required.

This policy will be reviewed regularly as required, or when any significant changes are
made to our management systems.

We are totally committed to achieving our objectives and to a policy of continual
improvement. Improvement is the responsibility of everyone employed by the company.